at the top: former power station/
Briquette plant Laubusch
below: Demolition works former wood soak
Waste rock dumps at an open pit coal mine
after remediation to wild life habitat/
British Colombia USA
photo by TRCR- Technical and Research Committee
on Reclamation
The height of the costs for safe and sustainable closure of mining facilities are determined with the planning of mining project. Naturally also the opening and mining methods, the surface facilities and mine site infrastructure, the management of stream of mined material, the placement and operation of mills and tailings storage facilities and the age of mine site do determine the costs of mine closure significant. The closure plan of mining legacies have to be an integral part of project planning, its costs included.
The closure costs are part of the result of mining companies. Its efficiency are determined with the closure costs. The planned costs for mine closure have to be part of price of product. For example with a price of uranium at 10 US$/lb the costs for closure are not gained. The quantity and the quality of closure works are dependent from the prices of the products finaly.
The mine closure costs for abandoned mining generally was not considered adequate. Thus on the long-term basis substantial public funds are bound. This could lead on a long-term basis to development of commercial jobs.
Principle of funnel and gate, [6]
open cast form, Spreetal, Bluno, Koschen, Sedlitz,
Lusatian mining area, in front of photo a deep soil
compaction device for stabilisation of embankment,
uranium waste rock dump remediation,
former waste rock dumps 371 of shaft 371,
Schlema/Alberoda mining area,
layer-wise cover construction,
photo by M. Lersow, [May 2008]
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